

Your Non-Surgical 头发恢复 Specialists in Columbus, Ohio

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections for hair are a rising solution designed to combat mild-to-moderate forms of thinning and balding in both women and men. 安全而简单地使用自己的血液, the hair restoration specialists at 唐纳森整形外科 are able to breathe new life into your follicles, reduce signs of thinning and even restore hair growth in some sections of the scalp.

期待什么:PRP注射过程 & 你的结果

在第一次PRP注射澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网之前, we begin with a one-on-one consultation to ensure you are a good candidate for this procedure. Then we draw blood – typically from your arm – and process it through a specialty centrifuge system called the Magellan® Platelet Separator that separates your blood into three parts: platelet-poor plasma, 富含血小板血浆 & 红细胞. This portion typically takes around 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

斯泰西, 我们的内部PRP注射专家, will then load a specialized syringe with your 富含血小板血浆 and proceed to inject between 25-35 areas of the scalp that are experiencing hair loss or noticeable thinning. After all of the 富含血小板血浆 has been used, we will use the additional platelet-poor plasma that is left over to coat the scalp, providing nearly immediate relief from injection-site discomfort.

While PRP injections are not a miracle cure for hair loss, they can be effectively used to stop thinning by reinvigorating hair follicles that may have lost natural blood supply and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. 如果卵泡接受这些注射, patients can expect to see small hair growth within a month and progress will increase from that point forward.


因为这不是澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, you can return to your daily life as soon as you leave the office! We suggest you avoid wearing hats or other head coverings for at least 48 hours while the injection sites heal. You can even wash your hair again after a full 24 hours after the treatment. 然而, you should avoid taking any anti-inflammatory medications after your treatment – the discomfort that you feel means that the injections are doing what they need to do!


The most common side effect we’ve encountered is pain and discomfort at the injection site. Patients may also experience temporary swelling between the forehead and eyebrows. 因为我们会抽血, some patients may feel fatigued or weakened for a few hours after the treatment. If you do not follow proper hygiene protocols for your hair, 感染是可能的,但不太可能.


We highly suggest at least three PRP injection sessions – once a month for three months. We do not suggest more than six within a year because there’s an element of diminishing returns with this specific injection and we don’t want to do more than necessary to restore your hair. 在你的第一个12个月之后, we suggest at least one PRP session a year to keep up with any progress made.


This non-surgical hair restoration treatment is ideal for patients who have recently started to experience thinning hair or loss of hair. It can be difficult to revive long-dormant hair follicles, so it is ideal to address the issue early for more optimal outcomes. 任何超出 诺伍德3 level of hair loss will likely require a different approach to hair restoration.

This procedure is available to both men and women, along with those 18 years of age or older.


PRP treatments typically cost $1,500 per treatment. 然而, because we recommended at least three treatments, we offer discounted package pricing.


使PRP注射的效果最大化, we highly suggest patients use Nutrafol – a once-a-day supplement designed to support hair growth, increase follicle strength and reduce shedding. This is natural and clinically proven supplement has almost negligible side effects – in rare cases, 有些人可能会感到轻微的恶心. We still ask you to inform your primary care physician before starting Nutrafol.


斯泰西 is ready to meet with you to determine if you are a candidate for PRP injections for hair! Typically, your first treatment is then scheduled several days later. 但, if the PRP device is not being used at the same time as your initial consultation, it may be possible to provide the treatment right then and there!
